(Russian) Грандиозный автопробег открывает Черниговщина!

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(Russian) UITT-2010, будет ли продолжение?

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925-year anniversary of Pryluky!

The town of Pryluky was first mentioned in 1085 by Volodymyr Monomakh as a place where he sheltered his troops from the Polovtsians attack. Though Pryluky was already mentioned as the fortress that record in the chronicles was considered the date of the town foundation. Thus this year the town is going to celebrate its […]

(Russian) Первая Украинская система бронирования, работающая в режиме реального времени

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(Russian) В Козельце планируется создание частного музейного комплекса “Казацкая усадьба “Покорщина”

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(Russian) На Черниговщине появились Туристические марки

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Will the museum and estate of Mykola Kostomarov be in Didivtsi village?