Chernihiv: Black and Gold Pages

Every old and big city of Europe seems to have its “shadow” — for Rome it is Ravenna, for Moscow it is Novgorod, and for Kyiv it is Chernihiv. There were times when it would be difficult to say which of them was the shadow and which — the real thing. But woe to the […]

Trostianets dendrological park, Trostianets village

address: Trostianets village, Ichnya district, Chernihiv region, Ukraine Tel.: +38 04633 2-47-58 open hours: daily from 08:00 till 17:00 avaliable excursions in foreign languages: Dendrology Park “Trostyanets ” is a magical nook of landscape art and a living museum which is well-known far beyond of Ukraine. In 1820 a descendant of Hetman Skoropadsky, Ivan Mikhailovich […]
